Title Box Definition File (TBX file)
A TBX file is used to define the creation of title boxes on a drawing frame. It is a
simple line-oriented ASCII text file containing a file descriptor and the following parts:
- Frame setup overrides statements
- TAG definitions
- FIELD definitions
- BOX definitions (containing ROW definitions)
The ordering of these definitions are irrelevant; however, forward reference is not
allow. It is therefore recommended to place these object definition statements in the
above listing order.
Note that all text lines that start with a ';' (semicolon) will be taken as comment
File Descriptor
The first three lines of a TBX file may contain informations about the TBX file. Each
line must start with ';*' character sequence to be identified as valid file descriptor.
The content of the first line after the ';*' codes specifies the display name of this
TBX file. DDFRAME takes whatever after the ';*' codes as the description of the file. If
it is empty or the TBX file does not contain a valid file descriptor, DDFRAME will take
its filename instead.
The content of the second line specifies the language support required by the TBX file.
If this line is missing, or the language code is 0, the checking of the language support
will be ignored. That is, it will be used by DDFRAME whatever the language codes it
contains. Note that, the language code can be given in hex-decimal value in the form as
The third line contains the version code of the TBX file specification. As the
development of DDFRAME, the specification of the TBX file may be expanded. This version
code is necessary for the DDFRAME to check if it can fully support this TBX file. If this
line is missing, the checking will be ignored.
An example of the file descriptor is given below:
;* CNS 3, B1001 Example
;* 0x0404
;* V1.0
Frame Setup Overrides
Frame setup overrides are statements that specify the basic layout of the frame, as
described below:
MARGIN Statement
The MARGIN statement setups the required margin of the drawing frame. The syntax is
given below:
MARGIN: "Paper-name",left,top,right,bottom
Paper-name Name of the paper. An asterisk
('*') means the values shall apply to all size of the papers.
left Left margin value, floating point, in
units of mini-meter.
top Top margin value, floating point, in units
of mini-meter.
right Right margin value, floating point, in
units of mini-meter.
bottom Bottom margin value, floating point, in
units of mini-meter.
Examples are given below:
MARGIN: "*",10,10,10,10
MARGIN: "A0",15,15,15,15
MARGIN: "A1",15,15,15,15
MARGIN: "A2",15,15,15,15
MARGIN: "A5",5,5,5,5
MARGIN: "A5-P",5,5,5,5
BORDER Statement
The BORDER statement setups the required frame border style of the drawing frame. The
syntax is given below:
BORDER: "Paper-name",Type, W1 , D1, W2
Paper-name Name of the paper. An asterisk
('*') means the values shall apply to all size of the papers.
Type Type of the border, string constant of
either SINGLE or DOUBLE.
W1 Line width of the first border line,
floating point in units of mini-meter.
D1 Distance between the first border line and
the second border line, floating point in units of mini-meter.
W2 Line width of the second border line,
floating point in units of mini-meter.
Examples are given below:
BORDER: "*", Double, 0, -6., 0.5
BORDER: "A0", Double, 0, -10., 0.5
BORDER: "A1", Double, 0, -8., 0.5
MARKER Statement
The MARKER statement specifies the usage of partition marker of the drawing frame. The
syntax is given below:
MARKER: "Paper-name", Th, Hdiv, Vdiv
Paper-name Name of the paper. An asterisk
('*') means the values shall apply to all size of the papers.
Th Text height, floating point in units of
mini-meter. If this value is negative, the partition marker is turned off.
Hdiv Division number of horizontal
partitioning, integer. If it is negative, it means to mark with capital letter; otherwise,
mark with digital number.
Vdiv Division number of vertical partitioning,
integer. If it is negative, it means to mark with capital letter; otherwise, mark with
digital number.
Examples are given below:
MARKER: "*",5.0, 8, -6
MARKER: "A0",7.0, 20, -14
MARKER: "A1",7.0, 14, -10
MARKER: "A2",7.0, 12, -8
MARKER: "A5",4.0,6,-4
MARKER: "A5-P",4.0,4,-6
GAP Statement
The GAP statement specifies the default gap distance between text and field boundary.
The syntax is given below:
GAP: "Paper-name", gap
Paper-name Name of the paper. An asterisk
('*') means the values shall apply to all size of the papers.
gap Gap distance between text and field
border, floating point. If it is positive, it specifies absolute gap distance in units of
mini-meter. If it is negative, it specifies the relative gap distance in terms of the
percentage of the field height.
An examples is given below:
GAP: "*",-5
SCALE Statement
The SCALE statement specifies the required scale factor of the title box in the drawing
frame. The syntax is given below:
SCALE: "Paper-name", scale
Paper-name Name of the paper. An asterisk
('*') means the values shall apply to all size of the papers.
scale Scale factor of the title box dimension,
floating point.
An examples is given below:
SCALE: "*",1.0
TAG Definitions
The TAG definitions are optional in a TBX file. They are used to define the attributes
of tags used in the TBX file and supply each of them a more expressive prompting string,
which may help the operator to identify the meaning of the tag when he is asked to modify
or to enter its contents.
The defining syntax is as below:
TAG: Tag-name,{D,}{V,} "prompting string"
It is the same as that appears in a TAG file produced by TAGOUT command. See
TAGIN/TAGOUT command reference for the details about this TAG definition. In fact, you may
use the preprocessing statement
#include "tag-file"
to include a TAG file. DDFRAME will automatically skip the GROUP definitions and load
the TAG definitions therein.
Note that if a tag name is referenced without a corresponding TAG definition in the TBX
file, DDFRAME will assume that it is a variable and visible attribute tag, and its name
will be used as the prompting string.
FIELD Definitions
The FIELD definitions are used to define the details of the text fields which are
referenced in the ROW definitions that appear only in the BOX definitions. A field can be
- An empty field containing nothing, or
- A static text field containing a fix text string, or
- An attribute tag field containing an attribute tag to display variable text information,
- A combination of a static text string used as the field display title and an attribute
tag as the actual field content.
A FIELD definition must be completed within a text line. The general form of a FIELD
definition is given below:
FIELD: Field-name, parameters ...
where Field-name is the ID name of the field.
Static Text Field
The syntax for a static text field is as below:
FIELD: Field-name,"text" {,Tadj}
text Static text string as the field content.
If text string within the pair of parenthesis is empty, then it is effective an empty
Tadj Optional Text justification code. It must
be one of the following characters:
L Base-left justified.
C Base-center justified.
R Base-right justified.
E Even-fitting within the field.
F Direct fitting within the field.
An optional code string "90" can be added after the justification code to
specify a vertical writing text.
Examples are given below:
Attribute Tag Field
The syntax for an attribute tag field is as below:
FIELD: Field-name, Tag-name ,Tadj, "Content"
Tag-name Name of the attribute tag used in the
field. If the specific TAG is not defined, it will be assumed to have both visible and
variable attributes.
Tadj Text justification code.
Content Initial default value of the tag's
Examples are given below:
Combination Field
The syntax for a combination field is as below:
FIELD: Field-name, Tag-name ,Tadj, "Content", Wt, "Title",Txadj
Tag-name Name of the attribute tag used in the
Tadj Text justification code of the tag.
Content Initial default value of the tag.
Wt Integer, title text field width specifier.
If this value is positive, the field will be divided into two sub-fields horizontally, and
the title text will be placed within the left one. The value specifies the width of the
title sub-field in units of percentage of the total field width. A vertical line will be
added for the separation of the two sub-fields.
If this value is negative, the field will be divided into two sub-fields vertically,
and the title text will be placed within the top one. The value specifies the height of
the title sub-field in units of percentage of the field height. Note that, however, no
additional line will be added to separate the two sub-fields explicitly.
Title Static field title string.
Txadj Text justification code of the title
Examples are given below:
FIELD: EDITION,EDITION,L,"0",-50,"Edition",L
FIELD: SHEET,SHEET,L,"1/1",-50,"Sheet",L
BOX Definitions
The Box definitions defines the generation of the title boxes in the frame. You may
have several BOX definitions within a TBX files.
The general syntax of a BOX definition is given below:
BOX: Name, Ancho{/box-name}, Dir, Height, Width
Row Specification
Row Specification
Name Name of the box being defined. Since a
box may be referenced by other boxes to obtain ancho position, a unique name must be
Ancho Ancho point ID number, from 0 to 3, as
listed below:
0 Ancho to its lower left corner.
1 Ancho to its lower right corner.
2 Ancho to its upper right corner.
3 Ancho to its upper left corner.
/box-name Optional name of the box to ancho.
The slash code ('/') is necessary to introduce the name of the box to ancho. If it
missing, the overall drawing frame is assumed.
Dir Direction of the box extended from the
ancho point, as described below:
0 Extended to the first quadrant.
1 Extended to the second quadrant.
2 Extended to the third quadrant.
3 Extended to the fourth quadrant.
Height Integer, absolute height of the box, in
units of mini-meter. If this value is zero, the height of the box will not be limited and
will be the total height of each containing rows. However, if this value is not zero, the
height of each containing row will be scaled such that the total box height meets the
Width Integer, absolute width of the box, in
units of mini-meter. In current release, this value can not be zero.
{ A single left brace in the next line after
BOX statement introduces the content of the box.
Row Specification Specification of a row
within the BOX. Multiple row specifications must appear in a BOX definition in a
from-top-to-bottom manner. See latter section for details of ROW specification.
} A single right brace at the end of the last
row specification concludes the definition of a BOX.
Special Box Definition
If no ancho point is given after the box name, then the overall drawing frame will be
the targeted box to define and will be treated specially. Rows in the box will be scaled
to fit within the frame. This is useful in customization of drawing frame decoration.
An example is given below:
ROW: 1,@isoframe
The box will be the overall drawing frame; however, the outer profile of the box will
not be drawn out, since it is treated specially. There is only one ROW specification in
the box, so that the height of the row will be the height of the drawing frame. There is
only one field specification in the row, so that the width of the field will be the width
of the drawing frame. The vector generation program ISOFRAME.VEC (written in TCL) is
referenced by the field to do the drawing frame decoration.
ROW Specification
A ROW specification specifies the existence of a row and defines its content within a
BOX definition. The syntax of a ROW specification is given below:
ROW: Height, Field-Spec,...,Field-Spec
Height Integer, height of the row in the box.
The actual height of the row depends on the height specification of the BOX. If the BOX
height is limited to an absolute value, the height of the row will be scaled accordingly.
Field-Spec Specification of a field. It can be
a direct static text, a field reference, an external VEC file reference, or a nested box
inclusion. See latter paragraph for details.
Field Specifications
The field specification specifies the existence of a field in a ROW from a BOX. It can
be in one of the following form:
- Direct Text:
- Field Reference:
- External Vector Generation:
- Nested Box Inclusion:
Row Specification
Row Specification
'}'{, next Field-spec continued
Text Direct text string, enclosed in
parenthesis, to be displayed in the field. It is convenient to use direct text than a
reference to the FIELD definition of static text. However, except the ROW containing
fields of nested box inclusion, a ROW specification can not span over a text line, which
can have at most 255 characters in length. In some title box designs with long rows, you
may still need to use the FIELD definitions of static text.
Field-name Name of an existing FIELD
definition. The FIELD must be present before it is referenced.
vec-name Name of the vector generation file (a
special TCL program in VEC file extension) to be executed to give the content of the
Width Integer, width of the field within the
row. If this value is negative, it specifies the percentage of the row width. If it is
zero or missing, it specifies to take up the rest of the row space, effective only when it
is the last field in the row.
Tadj Text justification code override. See
FIELD Definitions for text justification code format.
{ Start of a nested box inclusion. The next
line should be the content of the nested box definition.
} End of a nested box inclusion and continue
the current ROW definition.
Examples are given below:
FIELD: NOTE,"Title/Name, Designation, material, dimension etc",L
BOX: Main,1,1,0,170
ROW: 20,OWNER/75,{/
Conditional Statements
DDFRAME supports the following conditional statements in the TBX file:
- #ifpaper -- Test if a specific paper is selected. An argument of quoted string as the
name of paper to test must be given. If the test is successful, the contents that follows
the statement will be effectively loaded in; otherwise, it will be ignored until the next
conditional statement is encountered.
- #ifnot -- Test if a specific paper is not selected. An argument of quoted string as the
name of paper to test must be given. If the test is successful, the contents that follows
the statement will be effectively loaded in; otherwise, it will be ignored until the next
conditional statement is encountered.
- #else -- If the previous test is not successful, then the contents that follows this
statements are loaded in until the next conditional statement is encountered.
- #endif -- End of the if-then-else construct.
Include statements
You may include an external file, such as TAG file, from the TBX file by the syntax:
#include "filename"
where filename is the name of the file to include.
The VEC file (vector generation file)
A vector generation file is a TCL program file that is responsible to generate a vector
drawing fitted within a given rectangle defined by the caller, say DDFRAME.
It is called with the arguments passed through the TCL registers:
P1 Lower left corner of the rectangle.
P2 Upper right corner of the rectangle.
I0 Justification code if applicable.
V0 Gap distance of Text.
V1 Total scale factor.
S0 ID code, always be "VEC".
S1 Current selected paper name. |