A lathe Emulation
The LEMU IITM is a PC-based
Lathe emulation program used for simulating the actual turning process with given CNC
code. With the capability to show the simulated process with different shape of
chucks, tailstocks and form cutters, LEMU II is your ideal tool for CNC programming check
and safeguard against potential process fault.
System Requirement:
- System Unit: IBM PC or compatible (80286 and up)
- Operating System: MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.0 or later
- Main Memory: 640KB RAM minimum
- Hard Disk Space: 2MB
- Display: Standard VGA
- Input Device: Mouse
Software Features:
- Versatile cutting emulation feature.
- Provides 2-speed cutting process simulation.
- Provides cycle time calculation.
- Provides stepping or continuous emulation modes.
- Direct measuring of processed workpiece dimension for
program check.
- Provides zoom feature for detail viewing.
- Processed workpiece drawing available in DXF format.
- Powerful CNC program editing feature.
- Supports macros and subprogram calls.
- Provides tool library function.
- NC program conversion feature.
- Built-in DNC feature.
- Tool specification
- Left/right hand, front clearance, side clearance and round
nose compensation of inner/out cutter.
- Various angles and nose radius of threading tool.
- Width and fillet of grooving tool.
- Formcutter imported from CAD system in DXF file.
- Recognizable code
- G(Preparatory) Functions: G00, G01, G02, G03, G04, G20, TG21,
G28, G29, G30, G33, G40, G41, G42.
- CANNED CYCLES: G70, G71, G74, G75, G76, G77, G78, G79, G90,
G92, G94, G95, G96, G97.
- M(Auxiliary) Functions: M00, M01, M02, M03, M04, M05, M07,
M08, M09, M26, M27, M40, M41, M42, M98, M99.