The ALIGN command lets you move selected objects to a specified position and rotate them to align with a specified orientation simultaneously.

You will be asked first to select those objects to move and to rotate, as you enter the ALIGN command, by the prompt:

Select Objects (+):

After the completion of the Object Selection, you will be asked to designate points to define the base point and the destination point of the movement as well as the reference point and the target point of orientation for the rotation. As the command prompts in the following sequences:

1'st source point:
1'st destination point:
2'nd source point:
2'nd destination point:

The selected objects will be moved from the 1'st source point to the 1'st destination point and rotated about the 1'st destination point by an angle so that the orientation from the 1'st source point to the 2'nd source point will be aligned with the orientation from the 1'st destination point to the 2'nd destination point.

goback.gif (1545 bytes)